Thursday, November 26, 2009

Basic chords and Strumming patterns

Strumming Patterns
 basically speaking there are only 2 types of strumming patterns 
 1) up stroke and 2) downstroke
 Upstroke :when you move your wrist from down to up across the guitar strings that is is up stroke 
 Downstroke : when you move your wrist from up to down across the strings that is a downstroke
 when up stroke and down stroke  played in different patterns we get different rhythms
 for eg one up two down strokes , three up  five down stroke  etc

Guitar notes and scales very basic 
 as guitar plays a form of music and so i should have  a scale
so guitar scale has this notes A ( A# ) B C (C#) D (D#)  E F (F#)  G   G#
and the basic notes A B C D E F G and they give rise to chord forms that a major and minor set
comprising of same notes

here the notes A B C D E F G are natural notes with basic tuning we can see that the first fret
consist of notes fret are Fon high E sting of guitar C on  B string  G# on G string D# on d string
A# on a string and F on low e string so we can see that as we move down the fretboard the tone raises as # raises the natural note by half

guitar  basic chords

now in fig above u came see the most used basic guitar chords
x represents that the string is not to be played and o as it should be open string played in other
words without fretting
if u see the A chord it contains the note A E G so to play a A chord we must fret the guitar fret board
on G string 2 fret that is a A note D string 2 fret  which is  a E note and hence on when u see the number below the chord it states the fingers used while fretting
as i have said earlier 1 is index 2 is middle and 3 is ring use this and try to fret A chord try to strum both up and down strokes without any dead sounding string if there is any dead sound there are chances that you r not using only the tip of your finger(as i said earlier use only the tip) or two fingers may be in contact with the single string so after u have have good sounding clean stroke try different combinations of up and down strokes
here you see that the F chord is different here you have to fret two strings with index finger which can be difficult in the start but u will get practise as time pass by and your dedication and concenteration
just try these basic chords and try to switching between them without stopping the stroke will take time and practise