String instrument
As a beginner the best option available is to buy a electric tuner
because it is cheap and the result is 99% correct but if u want learn tuning
follow these steps without tuned guitar your chords will not sound correct.
Guitar strings are tuned to certain notes on the piano. If you have access to a piano, you can use it to tune your guitar. Find middle C on the keyboard and then go down the scale to the next E. The thickest string on the guitar should be adjusted to sound exactly like this note. Low E, the thick string, will be the top string as you look down if you’re holding the instrument properly. If you are right handed, you hold the neck with your left hand and strum with the right. Adjust string tension and sound by turning the tuning keys on the neck of the guitar. Work your way up the keyboard, from low notes to higher notes. The strings of the guitar, going from thickest to thinnest, should be tuned to these notes: E, A, D, G, B, E. This will give you a natural guitar chord.
If there isn’t a piano nearby you can still tune the strings in relation to each other. Tuning the strings in relation to the other strings on the guitar is the key factor in making that guitar playable and your experience pleasurable.
Staring with the thickest (E) string, adjust the tension by turning the tuning key attached to that string until you hear a comfortable bass note. Don’t turn it too tight! It should play easily with little force. The other strings will be tuned in relation to the E string and you don’t want to bend that guitar neck by over-tightening all of the strings.
Place one finger just behind the 5th fret of that large E string. A fret is that little area on the neck under the strings separated by those rises or thin bars protruding towards the strings. Press the string down onto the area behind the fifth rise. This is the note that you want to tune the second thickest, or A string to. Adjust the tension on your A string so that it sounds the same as the note being made while pushing down on the fifth fret of E string with your finger while you play it.

between the thumb and fingers , just little portion must be outside the grip.
Right hand position
the right hand position can be seen in the picture beside, just rest your palm on the
the thumb must be position a little firmly behind the fretboard and the fretting fingers
must form a arc when touching the frets.only the tip of the thumb must be used for
fret contact.Left hand fingers are numbered so that it can be easy for beginner
here is how they are numbered index as 1 middle as 2 ring as 3 pinky as four
in next post u will see chord diagram where u will get some idea
here is how they are numbered index as 1 middle as 2 ring as 3 pinky as four
in next post u will see chord diagram where u will get some idea
make sure when you are holding the guitar in standing position the guitar doesnot goes below the waist level